The dark side of the beach
Remains of sea creatures found at the beach

All these sad remains of sea creatures were found on the beach in front of a fishing village. We believe that some of these fish were caught by fishermen unintentionally. Most are not edible, or are poisonous (pufferfish!). Some creatures were caught accidentally in fishing nets and drowned like dolphins or turtles. The turtle on the photos might have been hit by a boat propeller. The sea snake looked like have been overrun by a car while on land (see tracks). We have no idea why stingrays are found so frequently. Maybe there are lots of them in the sea there.

© photos by Thomas Gramanitsch - February 2005

created: 9.3.2005 - updated: 18.8.2005 - minor changes : 30.12.2021  -  © Th.Gramanitsch